
Parameter Explanation:

  • jetton0: The address of the first token
  • jetton1: The address of the second token

Example Request:

GET /getLPAccountAddress?jetton0=0x1234567890&jetton1=0x0987654321

This request will get the LP account address composed of the token with address 0x1234567890 and the token with address 0x0987654321.

Successful Response:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "lpAccountAddress": "0xabcdef1234567890"

Response Field Explanation:

  • success: Whether the request was successful
  • data.lpAccountAddress: The LP account address

By calling this API endpoint and providing the addresses of two tokens in a liquidity pool, you can get the LP account address of that liquidity pool. This address is used to identify the LP’s share and rewards in the liquidity pool.

LPs can use this address to query their share in the liquidity pool, withdraw rewards, and manage their liquidity.

Note that before calling this endpoint, you need to ensure that the specified token pair has a corresponding liquidity pool. If the liquidity pool does not exist, an error response may be returned.

Query Parameters
